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Profile photo of Jurgen Petré, co-founder & MP

Jurgen Petré

Co-Founder & MP

Jurgen is a big-picture thinker with a talent for grasping complex concepts without getting bogged down in technical details. He takes the time to do things right and values a comprehensive approach.

Co-founder & MP
Project Management
Industrial connectivity
Smart Automation
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Coretecs team at work


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Jurgen’s journey began with a degree in industrial engineering, focusing on manufacturing, where he was exposed to a wide range of subjects. This sparked his interest in more holistic perspectives that go beyond the technical details.

He started working at Yokogawa, programming PLC, SCADA, and DCS systems on foreign missions. After these assignments, he felt the urge for a new challenge and transitioned to the sales department, where he also learned about project management.

He gradually evolved into a project lead, collaborating closely with Mathias. During one of these projects, he met Adrien, recognising the potential they had together. As the project concluded, Jurgen started a new chapter as a freelancer at imec.  

It was here that Mathias approached him with the idea of Coretecs. They wanted to introduce IT expertise to the manufacturing and process industry world, narrowing the gap in an environment that is often wary of change and innovative technologies.

Jurgen's dedication extends to his personal life: he fully automated his house during a complete renovation, even building a server rack with a NAS and switches. These days, he spends most of his time traveling with his wife and two children, and he enjoys playing padel.

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Organisations have the tools, but not the knowledge or skills yert to work with them properly. That's where Coretecs comes in to help.
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Jurgen Petré
Co-Founder & MP
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